
Ember comes with a module system that allows for creating new dynamic pages & functionalities.

Ember follows the MVC design pattern implemented using Slimopen in new window and Laravelopen in new window components.


There are a couple example modules available to demonstrate the basic structure & functionality of a module.

Module discovery

Ember loads modules from the modules directory. Modules are registered based on a module.json file at the root of each module.


    "name": "Example module",
    "identifier": "example",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "An example module for Ember.",
    "providers": [


The identifier must be in kebab-case.

The identifier is converted to PascalCase and prefixed with Modules\ to form a namespace prefix for PSR-4open in new window autoloading. The base directory is the root directory of the module.

For example the identifier example-module results in the namespace prefix Modules\ExampleModule.


The conventional namespace prefix and base directory can be overridden by specifying an autoload key in the module.json file.

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Modules\\Example\\": "src/"

Module structure

Modules are conventionally structured as follows.

├── Controllers
│   └── ExampleController.php
├── database/migrations
│   ├── migrations.php
│   └── schema.sql
├── Providers
│   └── ExampleServiceProvider.php
├── public
├── resources
│   └── views
│       └── example.twig
├── module.json
└── routes.php


The structure is fixed only with regards to the module.json file and the public directory. The rest of the structure is overridable.

Service providers

Modules are bootstrapped using service providersopen in new window.

The register method is called when the module is initially registered with the service container. It should be used only for registering service container bindings.

The boot method is called after the service providers for Ember and all modules have been registered. It can be used for calling methods on the service provider class and performing other bootstrapping tasks.


namespace Modules\Example\Providers;

use App\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider;

class ExampleServiceProvider extends ModuleServiceProvider
    public function boot(): void
    public function register(): void

Links can be added to the navigation bar using the navbarLinks method.

class ExampleServiceProvider extends ModuleServiceProvider
    public function boot(): void
                'icon' => 'fas fa-box',
                'name' => 'Example',
                'url' => '/example',
                'admin_dropdown' => false,


Event listenersopen in new window provide a way to listen for changes to Ember's models and act on them.

Event listener mappings are specified in the service provider either using the $listen property or eventListeners method.

class ExampleServiceProvider extends ModuleServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        \App\Events\StoreCreditSaving::class => [\Modules\Example\Listeners\StoreCreditSaving::class],


Module assets (JavaScript & CSS files) located relative to the module's public directory can be loaded from the /modules/{identifier} route by passing the file path to the f URL parameter, for example /modules/example?f=/js/app.js.

The moduleasset and modulemix Twig filtersopen in new window can be used to generate properly formatted URLs for individual files and files compiled with Laravel Mixopen in new window, respectively. Required arguments are the module's identifier and the file's name.

<script src="{{ 'example'|modulemix('/js/app.js') }}"></script>


Schema and migrations

Migration files are loaded relative to the path specified using the loadMigrationsFrom method.

class ExampleServiceProvider extends ModuleServiceProvider
    public function boot(): void
  • Database tables are created based on the module's schema in schema.sql, if present.
  • Migrations are located in migrations.php and are structured as follows:
    return [
            'version' => '1.0.1',
            'sql' => 'ALTER TABLE Foo ADD COLUMN Bar VARCHAR(20);'

The version number specified in module.json is used for keeping track of migrations.


Incremental migrations are not run for fresh installations. The schema must be kept up-to-date.

Seeding data

Database seedingopen in new window can be used to initialize a production database or provide data for testing.

Seeders are registered using the developmentSeeders and productionSeeders methods.

use Modules\Example\Database\Seeders\DevelopmentSeeder;
use Modules\Example\Database\Seeders\ProductionSeeder;

class ExampleServiceProvider extends ModuleServiceProvider
    public function boot(): void

Running seeders


Production seeders are run automatically after migrations.

The db:seed command can be used to run development seeders for all modules.

Additionally, individual seeder classes can be run by using the --class option.

php cli db:seed --class=App\\Database\\Seeders\\Development\\UserSeeder
php cli db:seed --class=Modules\\Example\\Database\\Seeders\\DevelopmentSeeder


Factoriesopen in new window can be used for mock data generation.


Factories require Fakeropen in new window to be installed using composer install --dev. Factories can only be instantiated when running seeders from the CLI, that is, they must not be used in production seeders.

Factory discovery

Factories are instantiated as per the discovery rules specified in App\Providers\SeedingServiceProvider.

Conventionally the fully qualified class name for the model must contain \\Models\\. The corresponding factory FQCN must contain \\Database\\Factories\\ in place of \\Models\\.


To override the discovery conventionsopen in new window, override the newFactory method on the model class and define a model property on the corresponding factory class.


Translation files define the base translations which can be modified from the localization settings.

Translation files are read from the path specified using the loadTranslationsFrom method.

class ExampleServiceProvider extends ModuleServiceProvider
    public function boot(): void

Translation files are structured as follows:


return [
    'category' => [
        'key' => 'value'

Translations can be rendered in templates using the lang Twig filteropen in new window.

<p>{{ 'key'|lang }}</p>

The above results in the following output.



Role permissions can be registered using the permissions method.

class ExampleServiceProvider extends ModuleServiceProvider
    public function boot(): void
            'example_example' => [
                'title' => 'Example',
                'description' => 'Example permission.',

Permissions can be checked for using the hasPermission method of the App\Models\User model.


Permission keys should be prefixed with the module identifier to avoid collisions.


Permissions can be assigned to roles using the role manager.

Partial templates

The partials method can be used to dynamically insert HTML into existing pages.

The method expects an array of arrays with the following keys:

  • route: a string or an array of strings of route names
  • template: a relative path to a Twig template
  • xpath: an XPath selector used to specify where on the page the template should be rendered
class ExampleServiceProvider extends ModuleServiceProvider
    public function boot(): void
                'route' => ['profile', 'user'],
                'template' => 'partials/_example_profile_card.twig',
                'xpath' => '//div [base-card][2]',

Instead of a Twig template, it's possible to specify HTML as a string or a callback which returns a string.

        'route' => ['profile', 'user'],
        // 'html' => '<h1>Example</h1>',
        'html' => static function(ContainerInterface $container) {
            $user = $container->get(User::class)->find(1);
            return "<h1>{$user->name}</h1>";
        'xpath' => '//div [base-card][2]',
        'prepend' => true,


For a quick reference of XPath selectors see the XPath cheatsheetopen in new window.

Store / payment processing

The App\Services\Store class is used for registering payment processors and processing payments.

See the built-in payment processor integration modules for reference.